Author Archives: NASA FL

New Specials and Upcoming Events!

$AVE $OME MONEY$ with our new specials! Click here for all the info:

1) Early discount registration is open for the rest of the season and HMS/SIR weekend entries are all 10% off until two months before each event!

2) We have $100 off coupons for new participants that can be combined with the early discount, so that’s as much as $140 off your first NASA weekend!

3) We have a new referral program that gives a $50 coupon to both drivers!

4) Drive in two HPDE groups for a big discount with a “Double Down” entry!

——————–Don’t miss any of the upcoming fun——————–

April 27-28, 2013 (3.7mi 12hr course)

Hyperdrive, HPDE 1-4, Time Trial, Comp Eval, Double Sprint Roadracing,
Driver Tuning Pro Coaching, 3hr Twilight Enduro, Autocross

REGISTRATION: click here   INFO PAGE: click here

2013 Schedule Adjustment

Dear NASA Florida drivers, thanks to you we have experienced significant growth since the start of the 2012 season, and we wanted to add more events in 2013 for you to enjoy. However, scheduling at two very popular tracks can be complicated, so as it turned out our only mid-spring options were just two weeks apart (April 27-28 at Sebring, followed by May 11-12 at Homestead.) In recent weeks the pace of entries has led us to conclude that this Homestead event – so close to the prior event at Sebring – is not financially viable, so it has been removed from our schedule. The bright side of this cancellation is that you no longer have to choose which event you can attend!

If you were registered for May 11-12 at Homestead, please check your email and reply ASAP. All other weekends will remain on the schedule as planned, and we remain committed to providing the best road course events in the state. This decision was the best one for our membership and the continued success of our region. Thank you very much for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you at Sebring!

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