Cancellation Policy

Racing/HPDE/Time Trial/Open Track/Test & Tune/Comp Eval/Hyperdrive/Garages/Transponder Rentals: Full credit valid for 365 days toward a later event, with at least 7 full days notice prior to the start of the event (i.e. before 12:01am on the Saturday one week prior, or 12:01am on the Friday one week prior for three day events), otherwise no credits – and sorry, no exceptions. In addition, once the car goes on track all fees are non refundable & not eligible for any partial credits. Waiting list entries automatically apply to our next event at the same track if a spot is not available, and are only eligible for credits. Credits are non-transferrable. Cancellation requests are only accepted in writing and must be sent to regional director Jim VanderVliet ( This all applies to regular FL Region events at Sebring, Daytona, Homestead or PBIR, the policy may be different for special events or shared events hosted by other regions.