
NASA FL Racing Rules and information:
Regional races are sanctioned by NASA and rules of the racing program are in accordance with those in the current NASA Club Codes and Regulations, NASA race series rules, and Florida regional CCR. NASA FL regional sprint race series is open to sedans and sport racers in all NASA race series classes. Get more info here!

Drivers must be a current member of NASA and hold a current NASA Competition License or NASA Provisional License to compete in the NASA FL race activities. NASA competition licenses are issued per calendar year race season and are valid from January through December regardless of the date of license purchase. Allow ample license processing time. Licensing details must be completed before arriving at the event. All new regional race licensing in Florida must be pre-approved by Jim VanderVliet as per this page of our website. Please do not send your paperwork to the national office or sign up for a comp eval weekend without talking to us first, thank you!
The minimum requirements for race car safety equipment and driver apparel are stated in the current NASA Club Codes and Regulations rule book. A NASA RACE CAR LOGBOOK is issued at the time of the race vehicle’s first NASA annual race car tech inspection at an approved NASA FL race tech inspection station. Appointment required. Annual race car tech inspections are due for renewal at the start of each calendar year and are documented in the NASA Race Car Logbook. An AMB transponder is required for timing & scoring purposes.
Most NASA FL region events for 2021 are “double” or “triple” weekend sprint race events (i.e. 2 to 3 sprints per weekend.) Points are earned for each sprint race/day. The “featured races” on Saturday are followed by a podium ceremony with awards presentation & driver recognition as part of the Saturday track “social”. The number of trophies/awards presented for each race class is determined by the number of starters in that race class.

NASA FL usually offers several longer “enduro” races each season, often at least 2-3 hours long, by NASA’s national enduro regulations. Please click here for our enduro series details page.
RE: NASA FL race licensing & general racing inquiries- Jim VanderVliet
RE: Race series & class placement, annual tech inspection- Pat Wehmeyer
RE: Class specific rules (SM, SE30, GTS, etc)- Series & Class Directors
Florida Supplemental CCR – click here

***All new regional race licensing in Florida must be pre-approved by Jim VanderVliet, see this page of our website. If you do not have a competition license yet, please do not send your application to the national office or sign up for comp eval or racing without contacting Jon Felton first. Thank you!***